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Briar Giftables

Briar Giftables

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, it’s Briar Customer Appreciation week! All of us here at Briar HQ are so excited to be able to take this week to spoil our customers. We’ve got fun surprises popping up every day this week, all designed to let you know how very thankful we are for YOU! We couldn’t think of a better way to start Briar Customer Appreciation week than to launch our Giftables collection, so here it goes!


Guys, have you seen the collection yet? It’s so, so fun. If you’re at all familiar with Briar Handmade you will recognize that this collection is a bit outside the box for us. My aesthetic is definitely more on the subtle side, and this collection is not that. However, when I saw these fabrics I just couldn't help myself. My daughter Gracelyn just kept popping in my mind and steering me back to these fun tones and patterns. My head said “neutral,” but my heart said “go wild,” so I did! My daughter’s favorite thing in the world is anything cheetah print. Cheetah shoes, tiny cheetah purses, cheetah leggings, she was a cheetah for Halloween...cheetah, cheetah, get the point. Needless to say, our gorgeous new faux fur cheetah bonnet is most definitely inspired by my little girl’s love of the wild side and I’m positive you all will love it as much as I do.  

Taking my inspiration from Gracelyn’s love of all things bright and fun, this collection quickly took shape as we decided to embrace whimsy and create a mini collection that is tailor made to gift to those you love. One of the things I love about gift giving is that it presents us all the opportunity to set practicality aside as we intentionally seek to surprise those we love. When my kiddos were small I loved filling their stockings with extra special little things I normally wouldn’t splurge on; fancy baby soaps, handmade toys, sweet little accessories. Then and now, their stockings were all about quality over quantity, and finding just the right little things to fill them was the most fun.


When we created the Giftables collection we purposefully didn’t make them winter bonnets, because we wanted you to be able to give a gift with lasting impact. These bonnets can be worn now, but also well into spring, as the weight is transitional and the fabric choices don’t limit you to one season. They’re priced a bit lower than our normal bonnets, making them perfect for really thoughtful gift giving . I know I can still remember the gifts I was given when my children were small that made a lasting impression. They’re the things I’ve chosen to carefully save and look back on when I’m feeling particularly nostalgic. I realize I’m a bit biased, but to me, bonnets are memory makers. Gifting an heirloom bonnet makes for a christmas present that won't be soon forgotten, but rather treasured for years to come.


We hope you love the Giftables collection as much as we do and have the best time giving them to the cherished babes in your life. We encourage you to use the #giftbriar this season to share how you’re gifting your Briar and follow along with us on our pinterest board and Instagram for even more creative and fun holiday inspiration. Finally, THANK YOU! Thank you for making Briar Handmade a part of the special memories with the littles in your life. We are so very honored to be along for the journey.

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